cs&P architects inc. | architectural/urban design

st. michael's college | campus masterplan


project Summary

TYPE: Masterplan, urban design, & renovation

SIZE: 114,000 sq.ft.

PHASE: Study/proposal

ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES: Presentation materials, 3d modelling, renderings, proposed site plans & floor plans

TOOLS: 3ds Max, Sketchup, AutoCAD, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign



01 | Context

The Campus Master Plan is intended to provide the planning framework to guide the renewal and growth of the University of St. Michael’s College over the next twenty-five years. The Plan sets out a series of recommendations intended to support the College’s academic mission and enrich campus life. It recognizes the challenges, both physical and financial, of an aging infrastructure of buildings and grounds, and proposes carefully considered incremental measures which build upon the beauty and attraction of these assets as the foundation for a restored, financially healthier, and more environmentally sustainable campus. The USMC Campus comprises 18 buildings housing academic and administrative functions and student housing. Over 500 students live on campus and over 5,000 students are enrolled in programs on campus. Most importantly its focus is fixed firmly on supporting and enhancing the College’s commitment to academic excellence and campus life.


02 | Areas of Intervention

During this study, I worked directly with the design architect to create study diagrams and renderings of the proposed renovation areas for client presentations.


03 | Kelly Library

As a part of the larger masterplan study, the Kelly Library was selected for more detailed development. It involved major interior renovations and a redesign of the space planning to provide student exhibition areas, multi-purpose rooms, and a learning commons. I collaborated with 2 design architects to design floor plans, furniture plans, and renderings to meet the required needs of the client.